Freqvently asked questions
The perimeter of burned out territory is 943 ha.
Administrative proceedings for granting the right of special forest use shall be initiated on the basis of an application of the interested person, who shall fill in a special application form approved by the order "On Issuance of the Right of Special Use of the State Forest" approved by the Head of the Agency. In addition to the requirements provided in Article 78 of the General Administrative Code of Georgia, this application shall be accompanied by: a) information on the activities to be carried out (type of use) in accordance with the form approved by the forest management body; b) cadastral survey drawing of the area required for forestry and the corresponding Shp-file.
In order to issue a right of special forest use, the market value of the annual rent of the forest use facility is determined based on the auditor's (expert) conclusion, which will become the annual starting price of the announced auction.
Information on the electronic auction is published on the websites of the Forest Management Authority and/or
Issuance of the right of special forest use is mainly regulated by the Forest Code of Georgia, and the Regulation on the “Rule of Forest Use” approved by the Resolution N221 of the Government of Georgia on May 18, 2021
Free use of the natural environment of the forest implies the right of a person to be present and move freely in the forest, to collect non-timber forest resources, wood products, and secondary wood materials, as well as spruce for personal use.
For the transportation of privately owned trees and plants, including walnut, wild cherry, chestnut, and mulberry species (except for other fruit-bearing species and bamboo), the document of the place of origin of the trees issued by the local municipal body is obligatory for transportation at the territory of Georgia. If the logs obtained from the extracted timber are thinner than 12 cm in diameter and more than one meter long from its end, for its transportation it is obligatory to issue a document of timber origin and mark it with a special chop-mark.
The advantage of business yards is that the population to get the timber resources will no longer have to enter the forest, which was associated with a number of problems. Business yards will make it easier for the population to purchase and transport the desired volume (7-15 m3) of firewood (timber) for the wintertime, as well as material timber in the desired period.
According to the current legislation for today in the business yards, the price of 1 m3 of firewood (fuel) (coniferous, deciduous) is as follows: Deciduous wood species - 90 GEL (with transportation) ) 75 GEL (without transportation); Coniferous wood species - 85 GEL (with transportation) 70 GEL (without transportation). Estimated selling prices are given for transportation in a distance up to 30 km, and for each subsequent kilometer the price is added 0.50 GEL per 1 m3; The cost of firewood chopping service is defined in Annex № 4 and is 20 GEL per 1 cubic meter.
Information on the sale of timber resources produced by the Agency is published on the websites of the Forest Management Authority and/or, where any citizen can purchase the desired species and volume of trees through an auction.
LEPL National Forestry Agency in 2013-2020 carried out restoration-cultivation of 4000 ha of forest.
Arrangement of temporary forest nurseries, cultivation of forest crops, support of natural forest renewal and reconstruction.
At this stage, the National Forestry Agency does not sell seedlings grown in temporary forest nurseries.
Forest is cultivated only with Georgian forest species (eg. oak, ash, maple, chestnut, pine, fir, etc.).
Forest restoration-cultivation is carried out according to the forest restoration-cultivation projects drawn up on the basis of the annual plans submitted from the regions. Annual forest restoration-cultivation is carried out on an area of about 200-300 hectares.
The National Forestry Agency has target acacia plantations to obtain pole material.
For forest restoration-cultivation it is necessary to prepare a relevant forest-restoration cultivation project where all the activities will be described in detail. The forest restoration-cultivation project must be submitted to the National Forest Agency for consideration and approval.
Forest fires cause great damage to the environment, the economy and human health, often endangering the living environment and human life.
The fire risk is in all forests, but in coniferous forests there is a higher probability of fire, therefore special care is needed in coniferous groves.
Forest fires occur every year in Georgia, up to 500 fires have been reported in the forest area during the last 10 years, and the area covered by fires is up to 5,000 hectares.
If you find a fire in the forest, you should definitely call 112. In the event of a strong fire, leave the area immediately and move to a lake, river or open area.
Forest firefighting works are carried out by the Emergency Management Service with the participation of the forest management body.
Forest fires are the main cause of human negligence. On average, only 7-10% of every 100 fires are of natural origin. The cause of the fire can also be household waste left in the forest !!!
It is forbidden to light fires in the state forest area under the trees, in coniferous forests, in the places of old fires, damaged areas of the forest (windfall wooded areas), in areas of wood felling, peat, and dried grass. It is allowed to light a bonfire in the rest of the area in case of pre-arrangement of the place (platform) of the fire, which means cleaning of flammable materials (hay, dried grass, leaves, spruce) within a radius of 1.5 m from the fire hearth.
Fires can always occur on hot days, although a special danger is associated with the summer period. Climate change - the increase in temperature and precipitation is the reason for the increase in risks and cases of fires, which is the cause of climate change resulted the recent fires in the winter.
It is not allowed to throw matchsticks, cigarette butts, and other items in the forest. As well as the burning of grass and fields, which poses a special threat to the vicinity of the forest.
The spread of pests and diseases in forests depends on various factors. Climate change, forest pollution, illegal logging, pest invasion and others contribute to the sanitary condition of forests.
Georgian forests are characterized by high biological diversity, some of which are forest pests and diseases. In the territory of the state forest we can find such pests as carnivores, woodpeckers, partridges, alluvium and others.
Diseased forests, as in the case of humans, need an individual approach. Different methods of treatment are used against different pests, such as: poisoning using biological / chemical insecticides, use of pheromone pesticides, sanitary cuttings and more.
In the world, as well as in Georgia, a dangerous pathogenic fungus is spread in chestnut groves, which is known as chestnut bark cancer. This fungus has spread throughout the world and the disease of chestnut groves.
If you find dried trees in the forest, you should call the hotline of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture 153.
Responsible for public information provision - Nani Mchedlishvili, the senior specialist of the Public Relations Service; Contact information: E-mail:
✨Preparation of information about the land plot (preparation of cadastral survey drawing, situational drawing and/or abris of the land plot); ✨Determining the contours of the areas selected for the issuance of the general license and special license for timber production, licensing for hunting and collection of fir cone; ✨Preparation of information on the land plot belonging to the linear building (preparation of cadastral survey drawing, situational drawing and/or abris of the land plot); ✨Marking of a forest plot (except for forest plots marked within the framework of social logging) or pre-registration of timber resources from the state forest fund until the exclusion of the area.
Information is available in old forestry materials in regional Forest Services. Updated information is published on the Agency's website in the Forest Management and Forest Use Plans.