Adapted for people with disabilities

Legal Department

Contact information

Contact person:Tengiz Mchedlishvili


Manager:Tengiz Mchedlishvili

Legal department authority:
a) legal support of the agency;
b) preparation of draft legislative regulations and individual administrative acts of the head of the agency, as well as participation in the preparation of other legal projects within the competence;
c) within the competence, on the basis of the corresponding power of attorney (authority), ensuring the representation of the agency in judicial and other claims;
d) within the competence, monitoring, and analysis of lawsuits related to issues of competence of the agency;
e) advise-endorse of draft legal acts of the Head of the agency in terms of compliance with the legislation of Georgia;
f) within the competence, analysis of legal issues related to the activities of the agency;
g) within the competence, preparation and/or endorsement of draft agreements concluded on behalf of the agency (except state procurement agreements);
g) legal proceedings;
h) within the competence, the implementation of other activities specified by law.