Control over the illegal obtaining of boxwood is tightened


The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture is tightening control over boxwood cutting across the country in connection with the approach of the Pulm Sunday holiday. Boxwood cutting, uprooting, or damaging branches is a punishable act. The amount of sanction varies from 500 to 1000 GEL, and if the environmental damage exceeds 1000 GEL, the case is qualified as criminal.

Boxwood can be obtained only from privately owned nurseries and artificial plantations, with the relevant certificate of the place of origin issued by the local self-government body. 

Colchis boxwood is a red-listed species, and its cutting is prohibited in the state forest area. The National Forestry Agency calls on the population not to break the law; strict sanctions will be imposed on each detected violation.

According to the Deputy Head of the National Forestry Agency, David Aladashvili, boxwood blight has been a big problem for the country for the last few years. In addition to the pathogenic fungus, the groves of a natural origin of the Colchis boxwood pose a serious threat to the invasive pest - Boxwood Allura.
The National Forestry Agency has been carrying out complex measures in the damaged Colchis boxwood groves since 2016, which, in addition to fighting pests and diseases, also includes species conservation activities.