The Ministry calls on the citizens to be careful about the increase of air temperature


Summer is a particularly dangerous period due to high air temperatures. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture calls on the population to follow the safety rules in the forest and to obey the prohibitions that apply to picnic and bonfire areas. According to statistics, the main cause of forest fires is human negligence, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

In fire-prone areas that are particularly visited during the tourist season, the National Forestry Agency has placed information-warning signs across the country. Fires are prohibited in the state forest area under tree crowns, in coniferous growing forests, in places of old fires, in damaged forest areas (windfall areas), in logging plots, in peaty and dry areas. It is allowed to light a bonfire in the rest of the forest fund in case of pre-arrangement of the firing platform. Pre-arrangement of the platform involves cleaning the flammable materials (hay, dried grass, leaves, spruce) within a radius of 1.5 m from the fire hearth.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Georgia, violation of fire safety requirements in forests, resulting in forest fires or their spread in a certain area, as well as deforestation or damage as a result of arson or negligent treatment of fire - will result in a fine of 100 to 200 GEL. In the case of negligent forest fires, the law provides for imprisonment for four to eight years.