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Forestry Support Project “ECO.Georgia” in Guria Region Information Meeting


In the framework of the Georgian Forest Sector Support Project - “ECO.Georgia”, an information meeting was held with the population of Guria. The activities implemented within the framework of the project were discussed at the meeting and future plans were discussed. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, with co-financing from the Climate Green Fund, and the governments of Germany, Switzerland, and Georgia. The project aims to reduce emissions through sustainable forest management and promote energy-efficient and alternative fuels.

One of the main implementers of the project is the National Forestry Agency. With the contribution of the Agency and the donor, the construction of 15 business yards in three target regions - Kakheti, Mtskheta-Mtianeti and Guria has been completed; For the effective implementation of forestry works, off-road vehicles and special equipment have been purchased; relevant measures have been taken to develop forest management plans. To date, the National Forestry Agency has arranged 55 business yards, from which the population will be able to purchase firewood and industrial timber. Arrangement of business yards is planned in all municipalities.

According to the Deputy Head of the National Forestry Agency, David Damenia, the proper use of timber resources will significantly contribute to the development of the legal timber market, as well as local small and medium-sized businesses, the creation of additional jobs and the reduction of risks of illegal logging.

“The main condition for increasing access to timber, inclusion in economic turnover, and support for the private sector is the development of forest roads and “business yards”. Our goal is to make the cost of firewood as affordable as possible for the population. It is important to note that at least 7 local residents are employed in each “business yard”, - noted David Damenia.

In the business yard, as of today, in accordance with the current legislation, the price of 1 m3 of firewood (For Heating) resource (coniferous, deciduous) is:

• Deciduous woody species - 105 GEL (with transportation);
• Coniferous woody species - 100 GEL (with transportation);

The established sale prices include transportation within 30 Km, and for each subsequent kilometer above 30 km, the price is added, for 1 m3 - 0.50 GEL; The cost of felling of firewood resources, each 1 m3 is 20 GEL. Residents will be able to pay service fees in business yards through Liberty Bank terminals.

Project, in 8 target municipalities (three target regions: Kakheti, Guria and Mtskheta-Mtianeti, eight forest district - Kvareli, Dedoplistskaro, Telavi, Tianeti, Chokhatauri, Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti and Akhmeta), together with the National Forestry Agency, Rural Development Agency, Environmental Supervision Department and Environmental The information is provided by the Education Center.

Within the framework of the "ECO.Georgia" project of the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), in order to strengthen the control in the direction of illegal forest use, the environmental supervision department is being strengthened and equipped with appropriate equipment. Within the framework of the information meeting, the interested persons received information about the targeted programs of the Rural Development Agency, which promote the introduction and popularization of energy-efficient technologies. It is worth to notice that the programs of the Rural Development Agency include the promotion of energy-efficient stoves and alternative fuel producers, as well as the increase of access to energy-efficient stoves for consumers.

At the meeting, there were presented various modern equipment purchased for the target municipality - drones, photo traps, video recorders, tablets and others.. The mentioned equipment and corresponding machines help the Department of Environmental Supervision to more effectively implement the prevention, detection and prevention of violations in the environmental direction.

At the information meeting, the representatives of the Environmental Information and Education Center provided the residents of Guria (Ozurgeti, Lanchkhuti, Chokhatauri) with detailed information on topics of interest to them. The meeting was attended by heads of relevant structural units of the Ministry of Environmental and Agriculture, representatives of local self-governments and the German International Cooperation Society (GIZ).