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The fact of illegal transportation of timber in Tsaghveri township


The employees of Samtskhe-Javakheti Forestry Service revealed the fact of illegal harvesting and transportation of wood in the state forest in Tsaghveri.

A local resident illegally obtained up to 6 cubic meters of coniferous timber. An administrative protocol was drawn up against the offender. The off-road vehicle was sealed, and the illegally obtained firewood was transferred to the "business yard" of Tsagveri.

"In order to prevent violations of the law, photo traps are placed on the entire perimeter of the state forest under the management of the National Forestry Agency. It is important that employees of the forestry service also monitor with the help of drones, which is an effective way of detecting the illegal use of natural resources", said the head of the National Forestry Agency, Kakha Tsertsvadze.