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Do not leave the fire unattended! Warning signs in forest edges


Summer, due to the high temperature of the air, is a high fire risk period. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture implements fire prevention measures every year. Media representatives joined the campaign - "Don't leave the bonfire unattended".

Every year, the National Forestry Agency places information-warning signs throughout the country in high fire risk areas and those areas that are especially busy during the tourist season. Media representatives placed warning signs in the state forest in Sion and, together with the representatives of the Ministry, once again called on the population to observe the safety rules in the forest and to obey the prohibitions that apply when setting up picnic areas and lighting bonfires in the area.

According to statistics, the main cause of forest fires is human carelessness, which can lead to disastrous consequences.

It should be noted that in the territory of the state forest, it is forbidden to light a fire under the branches of trees, in the burning young forest, in old fires, in damaged areas of the forest, in the forests that have not been cleaned from the residues of production, in the areas of manufactured wood left unexcavated, in areas with peat and dry grass.

In the rest of the forest area, it is allowed to light a fire in the cases of preliminary arrangement of the fire place (platform). The preliminary arrangement of the fire pit involves cleaning of easily flammable materials (hay, dry grass, leaves, wood) within a radius of 1.5 m from the hearth of the fire.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Georgia, the violation of fire safety requirements in forests, which resulted in the occurrence of a fire in the forest or its spread over a certain area, as well as destruction or damage to the forest as a result of arson or negligent handling of fire - will lead to a fine of 300 to 500 GEL. In the case of a forest fire caused by negligence, the law provides for imprisonment for four to eight years.