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Illegal Sawmill in imereti



The employees of the Imereti Forestry agency revealed two facts about the illegal sawmill. In the village of Sargve of Kharagauli municipality, in the state forest, in the vicinity of the sawmill, up to 12 cubic meters of primary processing product (plank) and 3 cubic meters of chestnut lumber were found. As for the second fact of violation of the law, in Terjola municipality, in the village of Godogan, a local resident had placed an illegal sawmill in his homestead.

Unregistered sawmills were sealed by the employees of Imereti Forestry service and Environmental Supervision Department; Illegally harvested timber was transferred to the "business yard" of Zestafoni.

Since the facts of violation of the law contain signs of a criminal offense, the materials were sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for further response.

"Employees of the regional services of the National Forestry Agency continuously monitor regularly in order to detect illegal facts. We have recently updated our technical base. Photo traps are placed in state forests, which are a proven and effective ways of detecting law violations. The fight against illegal use of natural resources is a priority for the National Forestry Agency. For any fact, appropriate measures provided by the law are carried out", said the head of the National Forestry Agency, Kakha Tsertsvadze.